Legal notices
Company status: SAS (simplified joint-stock company)
Company name: AERYS
SIREN (company registration number): 520 907 585
EU VAT no.: FR 96 520 907 585
Manager(s): Jean-Marc Le Roux
Street address: 1 rue Jean le Galleu
Postcode: 94200
City: Ivry sur Seine
Country: France
Telephone no.: +33 (0)9 72 40 17 58
Email: [email protected]
Legal notices.
Publishing Manager:
Email (content): [email protected]
Technical Manager: Sylvain Chevallier – Web Images Associées
Email (technical): [email protected]
Terms and conditions of use.
Project Manager:
Victor Bommelaer for AERYS – SMARTSHAPE
Graphic design:
Design & Technical production:
Sylvain Chevallier and Antoine Tirouflet for Web IA –
Legal provisions:
The various elements of the website (form, layout, content, structure) are protected by industrial design rights, intellectual property rights, trademark rights, and image rights, and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part unless expressly authorised by
Any person who does not comply with these legal provisions is guilty of the offence of counterfeiting and is subject to the criminal penalties provided for by law.
Intellectual property rights:
This website constitutes an intellectual property within the meaning of Articles L. 111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The photographs, texts, logos, pictograms, as well as all works integrated into the website are the property of or of third parties having authorised to use them. Any reproduction, transmission, modification, and repurposing, in print or digital media, of this website and the works reproduced therein are only authorised for personal and private use in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code. These reproductions must, in particular, clearly indicate the source and the author of the website and/or these multimedia works.
Under no circumstances may these reproductions prejudice the rights of third parties. Any reproduction, transmission, modification, and repurposing for advertising, sales, or information purposes, of all or part of the website, are strictly prohibited.
Database law:
The databases are protected by the law of 1 July 1998 and the French copyright regime.
Establishing links to the website authorises the establishment of hypertext links to the website for all websites, excluding those disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, or xenophobic nature, or that may, to a greater extent, be found offensive.
The pages of the website must not under any circumstances be integrated into the pages of another website (Frame). Specific authorisation may, however, be granted on a case-by-case basis.
The request to establish a hypertext link from the website must be submitted by email to: [email protected] reserves the right to request the deletion of a link if it considers that the target website does not comply with the rules defined herein.
The hyperlinks implemented within the website to other websites and/or personal pages and generally to any existing resources on the Internet shall not incur the liability of with regards to the links they contain or any changes or updates made to them.
All rights reserved – ©SmartShape 2023. All pages of the “” website are protected.
All reproduction and distribution rights reserved. ©SmartShape 2023.
General warning:
Our services make every effort to provide visitors to this website with reliable and verified information. However, despite all these efforts, the website may contain inaccuracies, defective updates, or errors. Should you notice any omissions, errors, or otherwise, please send an email to: [email protected]
It should be noted that the information, including its appearance and characteristics, contained on the website is not contractual.
This information does not constitute a guarantee or a commitment on the behalf of with regard to any product or service. AERYS – SMARTSHAPE accepts no responsibility, express or implied, for its completeness, accuracy, or suitability, for any purpose whatsoever.
AERYS – SMARTSHAPE accepts no responsibility for the relevance of the information provided and the use that web users may make of it.
The “Cookies” section provides more information on the origin and use of the browsing information processed during your visit to our website and about your rights.
When consulting our website, information relating to your browsing activities may be saved in “Cookie” files installed on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.).
These cookies are issued by us for the purpose of facilitating your navigation on our site. They may be issued by partners in order to personalise the advertising offer sent to you outside our site.
Note that only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify information contained therein. If you share the use of your terminal with others, we cannot be certain that the services and advertisements for your terminal correspond to your own use of this terminal and not that of another user of this terminal.
Our cookies.
The cookies we install on your device allow us to recognise your browser when you log in to our site. In order to best serve our customers, we issue cookies in order to:
– Establish visitor statistics (number of visits, page views, cart abandonment tracking, etc.) to monitor and improve the quality of our services.
– Adapt the presentation of our website to the display preferences of your device.
– Memorise information entered in our forms, manage and secure access to reserved and personal spaces such as your account, and manage your orders.
– Provide you with content related to your interests, and customise the offers we send you.
Third-party cookies
When you access our website, one or more cookies from partner companies (third-party cookies) may be placed on your computer via the pages of our website.
The issuance and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy policies of these third parties. We have neither access nor control over third-party cookies. However, we ensure that the partner companies process the information collected on the websites exclusively for the needs of and in compliance with the French Data Protection Act. We inform you that you can refuse third-party cookies by setting your browser appropriately. These cookies are deposited by the service providers we use to promote our activities and offers. Their purpose is to identify the products consulted or purchased on our website in order to personalise the adverts sent to you outside the AERYS – SMARTSHAPE websites, and to send you AERYS – SMARTSHAPE offers by email, if you authorised us to do so during your registration with these service providers.
Your choices regarding cookies
You have several options for managing cookies. Any configuration that you may undertake may change your browsing on the Internet and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of Cookies. You can express and change your cookie preferences at any time using the methods described below.
– The choices offered by your browser:
You can configure your browser software so that cookies are stored on your device or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. You can also configure your browser software so that the acceptance or refusal of cookies is offered to you on an ad hoc basis, before a cookie is likely to be stored on your device. We inform you that if your browser is configured to refuse all cookies, you will not be able to make a reservation or take advantage of essential functions of our site. We invite you to configure your browser as well as possible. The configuration of each browser is different. Your configuration options are described in your browser’s help menu, which will let you know how to change your cookie preferences.
– Your choices expressed online with interprofessional platforms:
You can visit the Youronlinechoices website, offered by digital advertising professionals grouped within the European association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by Interactive Advertising Bureau France. This European platform is shared by hundreds of Internet advertising professionals and is a centralised interface allowing you to express your refusal or acceptance of the cookies used in order to adapt adverts to your device’s browsing activities. In addition, the IAB opt-out platform, Network Advertising Initiative opt-out platform and Digital Advertising Alliance platform also allow you to express your choices to all players integrated into these platforms.
Note that this procedure will not prevent advertisements from being displayed on the websites you visit. It will only block technologies that allow ads to be tailored to your interests.
You can find additional information about the cookies used on this website in our Privacy policy
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